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Date(s) - 27/10/2020
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

We are delighted to announce our support of JRCALC 2020:  What’s New and What’s Next? as presented by The College of Paramedics in partnership with the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) and JRCALC.

This is an important eCPD event for all paramedics, offering a unique opportunity to engage with the leaders and authors of the UK Clinical Practice Guidelines 2020.  Recent updates will be reviewed and clarified and there will be breakout discussion groups where you can explore the implications for your practice.

The day will cover general updates and topics including: Spinal Immobilisation, Post Partum Haemorrhage, Acute Behavioural Disturbance, Alcohol Use Disorder, Vascular Emergencies and Patients with Communication Difficulties.

With an introduction by Tracy Nicholls, CEO of the College of ParamedicsDr Julian Mark Chair of NASMeD and Dr Alison Walker Chair of JRCALC and confirmed speakers to include Amanda Mansfield Consultant MidwifeTim Edwards Consultant Paramedic, Alan Cowley CCPRob Cole Consultant Paramedic, Matt Ward Consultant Paramedic, Dr Dhushy Kumar, Dr Alison Walker,  Dr Elizabeth Herrieven andDr Simon Brown, you won’t want to  miss the opportunity to join  this exciting virtual event.

For more information and to register for this event, please visit the College of Paramedics website.
