Sid Marshall

Clinical Advisor for the NHS 111 Service

Sid Marshall's career in the ambulance service began in 1998. He later added to his IHCD qualifications with a diploma in paramedic science, working as a Clinical Mentor before becoming an Education Manager. Within this role he developed and delivered training packages and teaching materials both for new entrants to the ambulance service and staff already employed within it. Having previously obtained a PGCE he is particularly passionate about transferring sound theoretical knowledge into appropriate practical care for patients. He provided feedback for the Ambulance Care series published by Class Professional Publishing and devised a series of teaching presentations to be used by trainers alongside Ambulance Care Practice. More recently he assisted with the revision of the seventh edition of Nancy Caroline’s Emergency Care in the Streets. He has recently begun working as a Clinical Advisor for the NHS 111 service, while maintaining a Bank paramedic contract with South Central Ambulance Service. Other work in which Sid is involved includes an outreach project part funded by Health Education England to highlight to young people the variety of roles available in the wider NHS.