Sarah Christopher

Head of Education for St Barnabas Hospice

Sarah joined the NHS ambulance service in 1996 and qualified as a paramedic in 1999. In addition to her paramedic registration she holds a first class honours degree in Pre-Hospital Care, Royal College of Surgeons Medicine in Remote Areas and Travel and Tropical Health qualifications, PHTLS, ITLS, PGC LTHE and Master’s degree in Education. Whilst in the ambulance service she acted as Practice Educator for numerous student paramedics. She worked in the private sector for a number of years including working on a technical rescue team. Sarah joined Sheffield Hallam University in September 2011 as a Lecturer in Paramedic Practice progressing shortly after to Senior Lecturer. In 2017 she joined the University of Lincoln to develop and lead the BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science degree programme. Sarah is now Head of Education for St Barnabas Hospice where she is developing and leading their education and research strategy. She is a member of the College of Paramedics and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Sarah enjoys writing for publication and has had in excess of 20 publications to date.