Ruth Crabtree

Public Health Lead for Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Ruth Crabtree is the Public Health Lead for Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust. Ruth began her career in the ambulance service in Clinical Audit. At this time the public health role of the ambulance services was beginning to emerge and gain recognition. Ruth’s skills and expertise in public health, through her Masters of Public Health (MPH), were identified as being highly valuable in the further development of this role and led to her becoming the first dedicated Public Health Lead within the ambulance sector. Within this position she is responsible for developing the ambulance service’s role in intelligence-led early intervention and prevention at a regional level for Yorkshire and at a national level, particularly the development of the wider public health workforce and implementation of Making Every Contact Count. Ruth has been involved in the development of the consensus statement between national ambulance, health and public health bodies. She has also played a key part in the development of the first regional consensus between blue light services on the role that the wider emergency services can play within the public health agenda. An article on public health leadership within the emergency services, to which she has contributed, has been accepted into the journal of the Royal Society for Public Health.

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