Neil Pryde

Neil graduated from Edinburgh University Medical School in 1982. He trained as a GP registrar in South Yorkshire, returning to Scotland in 1987 where he was a GP Principal in Fife for 26 years. During this time he developed an interest in Palliative Medicine, and since 2009 he worked for the Fife Specialist Palliative Care service. In 2013 he was appointed to the post of Macmillan Lead Cancer GP for NHS Fife. He chaired the revision of the Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines that were released in 2019. Neil's other area of interest in medicine is motorsport and trauma. He was Chief Medical Officer at Knockhill Racing Circuit for 25 years and has taught on trauma courses in the UK and Europe. This led to the idea of developing a similar style of course for Palliative Medicine. He retired from clinical medicine in 2019.

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