Ellie Roberts

Advanced Paramedic Practitioner (APP) in Urgent Care working for the London Ambulance Service

Ellie is an Advanced Paramedic Practitioner (APP) in Urgent Care working for the London Ambulance Service. She qualified as a Paramedic in 2016 after completing her BSc degree in Paramedic Science at the University of Hertfordshire, achieving a First-Class Honours. She has worked in London since qualifying on both ambulances, fast response cars (FRU), pioneer services and as a clinical advisor in the emergency operations centre. She started as an APP in urgent care in 2021 which involves working solo on an FRU, rotational work in other healthcare settings such as urgent care centres and in general practice. The role has an extending scope of practice including wound closure, additional medications and assessment skills, with the aim of managing patients safely in the community. Ellie is currently completing her MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice with St George’s University of London which she is enjoying. In her spare time she loves traveling, spending time with friends and going on long runs in the countryside.