Carol Robertson

Advanced Clinical Practitioner and Paramedic

Carol Robertson is an Advanced Clinical Practitioner and Paramedic. She works at East Cheshire NHS Trust within the older persons’ assessment & liaison (OPAL) team following a long career with the North West Ambulance Service. She holds an MSc in Advance Clinical Practice including a module in Care of the Older Frail Adult. She contributed two chapters, ‘Delirium and Dementia’ and ‘Older People’ to Mental Health Care in Paramedic Practice by Ursula Rolfe and David Partlow. She recently reviewed the paramedic modules: ‘Why Falls and Frailty Matter’ and ‘Falls assessment and management for paramedics’ for Health Education England’s eLearning for Health. Furthermore, she has delivered podcasts on older adults plus two College of Paramedic’s CPD webinars, ‘Delirium and Older Adults’ and ‘Frailty’. Carol is married to Duncan and their lives revolve around their dogs!

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