What’s in These Terms and Conditions?

These terms and conditions outline the rules and expectations of using iCPG and JRCALC Plus, the JRCALC apps.

Background: The JRCALC Apps

The JRCALC apps, are for information purposes only and are neither a diagnostic or treatment tool. By accessing these apps, you agree to these terms and conditions of use.

The iCPG app is intended for use by individual clinicians using iOS and Android devices. A subscription can be purchased via the Apple App Store or Google Play.

The JRCALC Plus app is a bespoke service which integrates the national JRCALC Guidelines with bespoke local information. The app is intended for adoption by ambulance services and other organisations. It is available to these ambulance service or organisation users with iOS or Android devices. By agreement in writing, some bespoke Windows desktop versions are also available.


The JRCALC Guidelines are published by Class Professional Publishing, an imprint of Class Publishing Ltd, and approved by the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) and the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC).

Class Publishing Ltd, the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives and the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (collectively ‘the Suppliers’ or ‘We’ as the context admits) have made every effort to ensure that the information, tables, drawings and diagrams in this Content are accurate at the time of publication.

However, Users of this Content (‘Users/You/Your’) must be aware that the Content cannot always contain all the information necessary for determining appropriate care, cannot address all individual situations and is not a substitute for sound clinical judgment. You and all individuals You permit to use this Content must ensure You and they have the appropriate knowledge and skills to enable suitable interpretation. Users must always be aware that such innovations or alterations after the date of publication may not be incorporated in the Content.

The Suppliers shall not be liable and shall not compensate you or any other party for any loss or damage You may suffer unless We have breached any duties imposed on us by law, including if We have caused death or personal injury by our negligence and that failure is not attributed to: (a) Your own fault; (b) the fault of a third party; or (c) any other events which We could not have foreseen or forestalled even if We had taken reasonable care.

Please note, however, the Suppliers assume no responsibility whatsoever for the content of external resources referred to in the text or accompanying online materials.

JRCALC references NICE in some of its guidelines. NICE guidance is prepared for the National Health Service in England, and is subject to regular review and may be updated or withdrawn. NICE has not checked the use of its content in these guidelines to confirm that it accurately reflects the NICE publications from which it is taken.


Class Publishing Ltd will hold any information that you provide to us confidentially.

Privacy: the iCPG App

When you create an account on the iCPG app we ask for your name and email address so we know who you are. We use a trusted third-party supplier to hold this user data securely. Class Professional Publishing collects data on who has logged in to the iCPG app.

The iCPG app logs which guideline and medicine pages you have been reading and stores these on your device. To see these, go to View Account > Email Usage Log.

Privacy: the JRCALC Plus App

We register users for the JRCALC Plus app according to the user list provided by the ambulance service or organisation who have commissioned a bespoke JRCALC Plus app. We use a trusted third-party supplier to hold this user data securely.

Class Professional Publishing collects data on who has logged in to the JRCALC Plus app and sends this to the ambulance service or organisation who commissioned the app.

The JRCALC Plus app logs the time and date of your clinical notice acknowledgements and sends these to your ambulance service and Class Publishing. In addition, the app logs which guideline and medicine pages you have been reading and sends these to your ambulance service and Class Publishing.

Your Rights

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other information rights laws, you have rights as an individual which we will always respect. You can read more about your rights here: https://ico.org.uk/


Read the JRCALC Plus app FAQ here: https://jrcalcreference.co.uk/faq

Read the iCPG FAQ here: https://icpg.co.uk/FAQ

Contacting Us

Class Professional Publishing will be pleased to answer any questions you have about the JRCALC apps. You can call us on 01278 427 826 or email us: icpg@class.co.uk